Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by to offer some principled perspective on the passing scene.
The crazier things get, the more I'm beginning to understand how important it is to watch what you feed your mind. Paul Rosenberg has some great advice about what constitutes fuel for healthy souls.
Hypothetically, if hard times were approaching, it would be wise to know who your true friends are. Here's a great example of what that looks like from Dr. Aaron Kheriaty's substack account.
This could get interesting. It's beginning to look like the winds of change are about to sweep through the White House. Roger Kimball says Biden's handlers are preparing to eject him and Kamala.
Nobody wants to think about the rising danger of food shortages and rationing. As Brandon Smith explains, this is a problem that is coming at us fast and the government "solutions" are bad news.
As far as the problem of inflation goes, Ron Paul proposes a simple solution as well as an object lesson. He says, end the fed and you'll get more Doritos instead of half a bag of air.
As overwhelming as things might appear, there's something we cannot allow ourselves to forget: We do not walk alone. Annie Holmquist reminds us of the power of building a sense of community wherever we are.
If you've tried to help others understand what's at stake, you know what a challenge it can be. Bryan Caplan has a great primer on how to talk to people: econ vs. psych.