The powers that be spent a lot of time and effort after WWII creating global interdependence. Now it's biting all of us in the rear. J.B. Shurk explains how regional self-sufficiency is the key to keeping the peace in our time.
The upcoming elections were looking more and more like a day of reckoning for Democrats and lockdowners. Now, as Jordan Schachtel puts it, 2022 has become the "preventing WWIII election."
Never underestimate the power of a good myth to keep people from noticing things they're not supposed to notice. The Z-man has a great take on today's mythmaking as it relates to U.S. foreign policy.
The thought of food scarcity is too frightening for many of us to even consider. John Klar says beware the great agricultural reset where food, famine and fear will be used to bring us under control.
To fully appreciate the magnitude of the coming financial shift, we first need to understand what's happening to the petrodollar system. Nick Giambruno explains what its coming collapse portends.
I sometimes wonder how many people really recognize the seriousness of those who are trying to eliminate free speech to "protect" us from "misinformation." The Good Citizen warns that the internet is next.
A story out of Canada shows an interesting correlation between those who've had 3 or more Covid vaccinations and those who most strongly support war against Russia. The Z-man takes a closer look at the hive mind.
Why do the "vaccinated" want a war with Russia while the "unvaccinated" don't? Mark Crispin Miller has a take worth considering.
If you don't know about Dr. Thomas Szasz and his campaign against psychiatric coercion and the therapeutic state, here's a great place to start. Bernardo Decoster has an excellent article on the late psychiatrist's message regarding coercion vs. voluntary treatment.