No matter how hard a person may try to pretend that inflation is just a minor inconvenience, reality is proving otherwise. Jeffrey A. Tucker says the inflation disaster is collateral damage from lockdowns.
Remember the days of "freedom fries" when France refused to participate in the unnecessary invasion of Iraq? Well, boycotts are back in fashion and J. Mark Powell has some historical perspective on them.
If nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come, it stands to reason that the power of terrible ideas is considerable too. Rael Jean Isaac lists a few of the worst ideas of our time.
Here's some of the best advice you'll hear this week. Barry Brownstein revisits a column he published in 2018 about why people fail at love. Is it a matter of asking the wrong questions?
How a person feels about competition can shed serious insights into their worldview. Ron Ross explains how those who appreciate competition tend to favor freedom while those who hate it do not.
If you had any doubts about whether the whole "great reset" was just another conspiracy theory, the cat is out of the bag. Now that public figures are stumping for it, Victor Davis Hanson has a warning for them.
Hindsight is a powerful teaching tool. It's also a great reminder to learn from our past mistakes. Kit Knightly writes about the vital lesson that the past 2 years of Covid can teach us about Ukraine.
The secret to surviving and thriving in clown world is in maintaining a sense of humor. El Gato Malo has a brilliant, funny and insightful take on the current controversy over "what is a woman?"