As the 247th anniversary of the start of the American Revolution approaches, Caleb Franz from the Profiles in Liberty podcast joins me to talk about an often overlooked historical figure.
If you're determined to find the truth via the internet, you have your work cut out for you. Thomas Buckley has an enlightening take on why there's so much internet nonsense.
Politicians sure wish that the public would take them as seriously as they take themselves. Llewellyn King says the political class needs to level with us before that can happen.
There are plenty of people who are willing and able to be problem-solvers in their neighborhoods and communities. Why don't they accomplish more? Kent McManigal explains that it's because the "law" always benefits the elites.
Activism in the public school system is a serious temptation for some teachers. Abigail Schrier provides some unsettling examples of how activist teachers in the California school system are recruiting kids into sexual identity and gender politics.
How can a broken society break its addiction to cynicism, joylessness and information? Emina Melonic says we must first reject the slogan embraced by the great resetters who say start from zero again.
A few days ago, Dr. Fauci claimed "we may never know" if the costs of lockdowns will outweigh the benefits. Here's a timely dose of reality for the good doctor regarding the flawed Imperial College model that fueled his fear machine.
Care to guess what the number one cause of war has been since 1898? Simon Black says, historically speaking, it's the media. And what they're doing right now is pushing us closer to global war.