The results for the latest elections show that abortion is a driving force for some voters. Sasha Stone says the Democrats may be winning on abortion but history may not remember them so kindly.
Athletes who were born male but choose to compete in women's sports are demanding some major accommodations on the part of society. Nicole Russell says the best way to change trans policies in sports is for women to refuse to play.
Some surprising breakthroughs in the medicinal use of psychedelics to treat mental health patients have led to more serious research. Raymond J. March explains why psychedelics can only provide help if the FDA lets them.
If memorization is such a useful learning tool, why have so many schools sidelined it? Annie Holmquist explains why progressives in education hate memorization.
Article of the Day:
The cognitive decline of Joe Biden is getting more obvious. James Bovard has a marvelous breakdown of our Potemkin presidency.