Drug companies that market directly to consumers may not be actually doing the public a favor. Robert E. Wright has the red pill for pill ad headaches.
Most people can see the wisdom of keeping church and state separate. Ron Paul says it's time to separate tech and state to preserve what remains of our freedoms.
What exactly is it about masculinity that enrages activists on the left? Dex Bahr says it's a classic example of individuals being offended by reality.
Weaning ourselves off fast food and adopting a more traditional home-cooked diet is a worthwhile aspiration. Cadence McManimon recommends some easy swaps for the aspiring ancestral kitchen.
Article of the Day:
The old saw about how the left can't handle being laughed at appears to contain more than trace amounts of truth. Igor Chudov describes how some Australian political scientists now claim that humor is a danger to 'our democracy.'