Everything that becomes politicized turns into a power struggle. The current battleground of parents vs. school boards is a good example of this. Jacob Hornberger zeroes in on the real issue which has created a statist war over public school books. His recommendation? Separate school and state.
Isn't it interesting how hard the medical establishment has fought against things like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine? Dr. Harold Pease reports that Nebraska is leading out in protecting the medical freedom of doctors and patients to utilize these treatments for Covid.
Like so many other words, the term "insurrection" has become so adulterated as to be nearly meaningless. According to J. Michael Waller, a growing number of Americans are becoming fully aware that the January 6 narrative being pushed by the political class is grossly distorted.
Freedom is being redefined as something that is only possible when you are in full compliance with what the state demands of you. Funny how that works. Jon Sanders shares a timeless reminder from C.S. Lewis about holding the line to defend truth so we're not "tamed" by "tireless propaganda."
Among the more disturbing ideas to float to the surface of the Washington D.C. cesspool is the idea that the "wealthy" aren't paying their fair share. Thomas Luongo has a great primer on what's being proposed and why dumb ideas never die.
More and more people are having to choose between their livelihoods and their consciences when it comes to the vax mandates. Joshua Mawhorter was recently fired from his teaching position in California for refusing to get vaccinated. What he has to say is worth considering.
The anger and hatred that is being encouraged towards the unvaxxed is daunting. But we need to keep it in perspective and not mirror it back at those who are perpetuating it. Steve Apfel reminds us that the hatred is coming from emotion rather than reason.
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