Most people would likely aspire to stand against tyranny, as long as it's not too uncomfortable. Barry Brownstein's latest essay is a must read. He clearly spells out how resisting tyranny depends on the courage not to conform.
The level of vaccine authoritarianism that has become normalized in our daily life would be shocking, if viewed from the vantage point of just two short years ago. Max Borders has an excellent article explaining how our current vax mandates are a modern version of bootleggers & Baptists from just a few generations ago.
The decision of how and why to make a stand is looming over a lot of workers right now. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains how the vax mandate on businesses is intensifying our national crisis. Where exactly it will lead, no one is entirely sure.
Lenore Skenazy is one of my favorite parenting experts. Her latest column says let's hear it for risky playgrounds. She makes a surprisingly strong case for the positive effects of teaching children how to handle risk.
It's probably just the stage of life that I'm in but I find much more happiness in family than I once did. Paul Bloom has an enlightening article on what becoming a parent really does to your happiness. I appreciate that he doesn't try to pretend it's a one-size-fits-all kind of answer.
Standing up to the 'woke' crowd isn't as easy as it sounds. Steve Rose pulls aside the curtain to reveal the fatal flaw of wokeism--it's a fraud. None of us should feel the slightest shame for politely declining to allow a finger-wagging cult to impose its morality on us.
The current push to vaccinate children between 5 and 11 years old is as baffling as it is unnecessary. Vasko Kohlmayer asks and answers the question as to why some are so intent on vaccinating children against Covid-19. He also makes a strong case why there's no medical justification.
How cool would it be to choose the type of government under which you wish to live, rather than having it forced upon you by a majority? Thomas L. Knapp has an interesting take on how the metaverse may just be opening the door to panarchy and unanimous consent.
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