If your love of truth is stronger than your attachment to your beliefs, this is a 27 minute long video that you should consider watching. I'd rather share it and be wrong than see the food shortages it addresses come to pass and not have warned the people around me. I think it's legit.
It's one thing when a crisis arises unexpectedly. However, as Robert E. Wright explains, when government has to start concocting crises to justify expanding its power, we have a problem.
Things have been comfortable for as long as most of us can remember. Historically, that's something that can change very quickly. Larry Alton has some sound advice on how to plan for and survive and economic depression.
Karl Marx had serious beef with landlords and other property owners. People inclined to socialism still do as well. Peter Jacobsen shares his reasons why he loves landlords and he has an excellent point.
The nearly billion dollar fine levied against Alex Jones for comments he made regarding the Sandy Hook shootings has sparked a variety of reactions. Judge Napolitano sees it as an attack on Jones' free speech. Meanwhile Jacob Hornberger says Alex Jones got what he deserved. Both men are advocates for freedom. Who is right?