One of the hardest things a lover of freedom must learn to do is to let other people make peaceful choices with which we disagree. Kent McManigal has a great take on how actions have natural consequences and we should allow them to play out.
The pressure of the past 20 months has really taken a toll on a lot of us. It's very tempting to size up the challenges ahead and to ask: Why bother? Robert E. Wright has a great explanation of why people are feeling that way.
If you've been paying attention to all the things that make our lives better, you may recognize the debt we owe to the productive people around us. Paul Rosenberg has a great essay on the values of producers and why there's a peculiar kinship among them.
One of the worst places to find yourself is on the horns of a dilemma. For instance, being told that you must choose between freedom and safety. Anthony Matoria reminds us that freedom has priority over safety.
As the lock-you-down-for-your-own-good Covid narrative continues to fall apart, it's being replaced by a new excuse for controlling our lives in order to save the climate. Doug Casey has a very worthwhile take on why the new carbon hysteria is a huge threat to your personal freedom and financial wellbeing.
No matter how long you stare at your television set, the truth will not appear. A perfect example of why this is so can be found in how the establishment is hiding mass resistance to the vax mandates. Brandon Smith explains how the walkouts over the mandate are being carefully hidden and denied by the MSM.
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