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Show Notes for October 4, 2023

October 4, 2023

Here's a question that may cause some sleepless nights: Is the money in your checking account yours or the banks? Jonathan Newman takes a closer look at the language of the bankers and what it really means.

Have you noticed how unpopular it is for anyone in business to be turning a profit? Walter Block has a great explanation of why profits are awesome and all around us.

The one place where it should be acceptable to be a pack rat is when it comes to accumulating books. Annie Holmquist explains why every home needs burgeoning bookshelves.

An essential part of learning to think clearly and independently starts with asking the question "why?" Dana E. Abizaid lays out the reasons why this should be taught to our kids as early as possible.

Article of the Day:

If you haven't read Orwell's "I984" recently, you might want to snag a copy and read it again. Bobbie Anne Flower Cox makes the case that we're seeing an astonishing amount of Orwellian revisionism right now regarding the covid response.
