When the media and powers that be are calling for someone's destruction, don't be too quick to jump on the bandwagon. As Jeff Einstein explains, we should herald the apostates. More often than not, they have something important to say.
The acquittal of the last 3 men charged with plotting to kidnap Michigan's governor is one more example of the FBI purporting to "save us" from monsters of its own creation. As Deborah Heine points out, this should make us question a number of other federal prosecutions.
We all know people who have expensive hobbies. If the rising cost of everything has left you feeling discouraged, Candace McManimon has a list of 20 historical hobbies for $20 or less.
Having critics is a mixed blessing. On the one hand, people who aren't having impact don't get criticized. On the other hand, being attacked and smeared is unpleasant. James Walpole shares the reasons why powerful people don't defend themselves.
Article of the Day:
The degree of human progress that has occurred within recent memory is simply staggering. Gary M. Galles reminds us of the lessons of Henry Grady Weaver's classic book "The Mainspring of Human Progress."