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Show Notes for September 20, 2023

September 20, 2023

I'm joined by Jeff Einstein from Quality of Life Resistance Movement as we discuss the widespread media addiction currently affecting so many of us. If you're serious about reclaiming your life, you need to hear Jeff's message.

Ever get the impression that the systems that seek to rule us think we'd automatically devolve to a Lord of the Flies existence without their constant guidance? Donald J. Boudreaux says, I'm tired of being presumed to be an uncivilized brute.

Here's some hopeful news: Charges have been dropped against two Canadian pastors who were jailed for holding church during covid. Now let's follow up by asking why they were ever charged in the first place.

Article of the Day:

If you really want to get a down and dirty sense of how things are going, just check out James Howard Kunstler's latest column. He serves up a full-strength reality supplement as we go boldly into the chaos.
