Reasoning with a wokester without getting drawn into an argument can be incredibly challenging. Mark Bauerline has some excellent advice on how to talk to a wokester.
Sometimes it seems like more people should be catching on to what is being done by the ruling class. Here's a great essay from Helen of desTroy on how they hated us for our freedoms, so we enslaved ourselves.
Watching the farmers in Europe being systematically regulated out of producing food is the strongest evidence that the climate change movement is anti-human at its heart. Joel Kotkin explains why environmentalism is a fundamentalist religion.
So many Americans have forgotten who they are that the founding ideals of our nation sound like a foreign language to us. J.B. Shurk reminds us that our situation is one of difficulty and opportunity.
Of all the crazy developments taking place right under our noses, the great financial reset is one of the most crucial. The Good Citizen has a terrific summary of what's at stake.