Most of us have found ourselves at odds with someone in our lives who takes a different stance on the vaccine issue. James Kullander's "Letter to My Vaccinated Friend" is one of the most powerful things I've read in a while. It perfectly describes the situation so many of us are facing.
With all the differing viewpoints competing for our allegiance, it's not surprising that we struggle to know what to believe. Caitlin Johnstone reminds us that we won't be free until our minds are free and that's a decision that each of us must make for ourselves.
If you openly express your support for limiting the power over government to intrude into your life, that's a sure sign that you're a criminal to some folks. Charles C.W. Cooke sets the record straight and explains why, no, you don't have to be a criminal to want to limit government.
Just when you wonder how much harder they could grab for additional power, the Biden administration is pushing for an IRS reporting requirement for any bank account with yearly transactions over $600. James Bovard spells out how this proposed policy might be used as a wrecking ball for financial privacy.
I hope I'm not the only one who has concerns that the challenges ahead of us might spiral out of control. Paul Rosenberg says, don't stress about a Mad Max future. He says if a collapse is ahead, it will likely lead to better things, in the long run.
Is it bad that many of the people I admire most include those who refuse to go along with authoritarian demands? Hannah Cox has a surprisingly encouraging essay on 4 ways Americans are fighting back against anti-science Covid restrictions. What's more American than good old fashioned civil disobedience?
Watching the totalitarian crackdown taking place in Australia, I hear commentator after commentator asking "How did it come to this?" and I realize how fortunate we are to have not had our guns taken away. Michael Warren Davis is even more blunt. He says, thank God for rednecks and their refusal to bend the knee.
Our deteriorating social and political conditions are causing many people to consider, for the first time, the possibility of removing themselves from the control of the political class. Doug Casey shares his top 3 actionable tips on how you can get out of Dodge while there's still time.