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Show Notes for September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023

Ever so slowly, the narrative that was used to justify medical tyranny under covid is coming apart. Barry Brownstein shares the case of a noted physician who advocates covid civil disobedience.

The wickedness of what the ruling class did to us under the banner of "public health" is something almost no one in power dares to acknowledge. Jeffrey A. Tucker describes the great demoralization campaign to which we've been subjected.

Becoming a serious advocate for freedom requires breaking out of the standard political paradigm, at some point. Matthew Lloyd has a great essay on why libertarians must rise above the left-right dichotomy of politics.

At the risk of sounding alarmist, this is a topic that needs some serious consideration right now. The folks in power are getting desperate and the window to get yourself squared away is rapidly closing.

Article of the Day:
