It's pretty tough to follow mainstream media without subjecting yourself to industrial-strength brainwashing. Daisy Luther warns that the so-called "trusted news initiative" is a tool for this very purpose.
Speaking of brainwashing, ever heard of "cultural humility training?" Leah E. Stevens explains how this new form of weaponized guilt is being merged with rabid wokeness to wreck therapy.
Home is one of the few remaining sacred spaces left in our world. Walker Larson explores the question of "what is a home?" and explains why it is worth defending.
Whether we understand it or not, we're all getting a prolonged object lesson on how inflation works. Axel Weber describes why inflation not only hurts our pocketbooks, it diverts money that could have been better used elsewhere.
Article of the Day:
What if Anthony Fauci was playing the role of a front man for the covid pandemic in order to give the CIA cover from things it did not want the public to know? Jeffrey A. Tucker shares some disturbing new facts that have come to light.