With a little over a year to go before the 2024 general election, things could get very...spicy in the U.S. Karen Kwiatkowski has an interesting take on what we might see between now and then. It's thought-provoking, to put it mildly.
What do you think of when you hear the term "globalism?" J.B. Shurk does an admirable job of objectively describing the threat posed by globalism and why it must be destroyed.
Being able to think clearly requires making time to develop our thinking skills. Candice McManimon says making space for silence is an essential part of that effort.
We all learned a lot about trusting the experts over the past 3 years. Ben Bartee has a great piece on the 1600 climate experts who have signed a declaration that calls out "climate change" as a hoax.
Article of the Day:
Has medicine unwittingly become the willing servant of the unholy trinity of big pharma, big tech and big government? That's the question being asked by Russ Gonnering who explains why medicine finds itself in the wilderness these days.