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May 13, 2024

Show Notes

May 13, 2024

Being prepared for the unexpected means having some cash on hand, just in case. Clark Barnes tackles the question of how much emergency cash you should keep at home.

Mothers Day may have been yesterday but it's impossible to overstate the crucial role moms play 24/7. J.B. Shurk reminds us that mothers make patriots.

The central planners are getting panicky as educational choice continues to advance. Kerry McDonald says as education decentralizes, those who like control are getting nervous.

Grocery shopping is getting noticeably more expensive but we still tend to take it for granted. Brandon Smith says most of American is mentally unprepared for the prospect of a famine.

Article of the Day:

The medical industrial complex is having to walk back its earlier stance that ivermectin has no value as a treatment for covid. David Gortler explains how the medical elites disgraced themselves.
